
Monday, 8 January 2007

Two things ....

... that I just NEED to write about as soon as I can (as in now!)

1. Guess what?!? R and I booked our 2007 holiday on Saturday! That means that we will be having a holiday two years in a row!!!! Can you believe it? We have been planning this trip since Jan 2002 and now it is finally booked. We will travel down to Frankfurt on Monday 27th August, fly to Whitehorse (Yukon, Canada!!!!!!!! what a surprise!!!!) on the 28th and then travel about 3,000 kilometres through Yukon, British Columbia, Alaska, British Columbia (again), Yukon (again), Alaska (again!), Yukon (yet again!), up to the Arctic Circle and into Northern Territories, then back into the Yukon back to Whitehorse to fly out on Thursday 13th September - which means more than 2 weeks and three Canadian states and a US one - is that not the coolest thing ever???? I am SO excited and cannot wait! Now all we have to do is save the money to pay for it... Updates to follow. (I just tried to download some photos off the web to show the beauty but for some reason they will not upload to the page - just this one of some Aurora Borealis which we have a slim chance of seeing but you never know! For more, you will have to wait for the thousands I am going to take!)
2. Other news that needs to be put in writing so that it is not forgotten is that I have decided to enter the Ali Edwards challenge of creating a word for 2007 - "Can you identify a single word that sums up what you want for yourself in 2007?" Yes, I can. And my word for 2007 is...


Most of those who know me (including myself) would describe me as a negative person, I am a "glass half-empty" type of gal. Well, this is the year to change all that - I want to be a "glass most definitely half-full" person. After all, I live a charmed and happy life, and have SO much to be grateful for. Why be so negative? Part of my nature I suppose although when telling mum about this goal, she said that she thought I was a really positive person. I think this misconception comes from my total pragmatism. I accept things with balance and try to make the best of the situation. But inside I am still pretty cut up about whatever just happened and when I want to do something, I have to battle the negative voices in my head before I can take a step forward. That is NO way to be! I read the Stacey Julian blog where she tells how someone described her as "altogether too happy". No one would ever say that about me - more likely to use some combination of sod, miserable, git and old! I started this last year but was not so successful so I want to try harder. Part of the challenge is to create something to describe and celebrate this word in someway. So... layout to follow when I have managed to get the photos that I have in my head for this one!

So, now it is out in the open (of my private blog!) and now it is written down, it must be followed through.

I have so many ideas of things to do this year, how to record it all, and photos and layouts to portray it all - I really need to make the time for it all.

Watch this space for more to come ...

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