
Monday, 23 April 2007

Happy Monday!

Hey, hey - four posts in three days! I must be careful or this will start to become a habit! (hopefully!)

Today was a good day. I got up on time, the trains arrived on time, I arrived at lessons on time, and finished on time. I like days like this. The sun is more or less shining, give or take a few clouds, the air is warm and the scent of blossom and flowers fills the air. Unfortunately, this also sticks in my throat and gives me bad hay fever but I am trying to stay positive so we won't go there.

I felt so good about the achievements I have made over the last few weeks as far as my scrapbooking goes that I am really motivated and am going to try to get at least a page done today. I would like to enter a couple of challenges to get me moving as I am feeling rather uninspired by my Heidi Swapp class this month. In fact, I have just downloaded the prompts and done nothing with them.

Anyway, I remembered that I had not posted a small mini-album that I had completed about our day on the beach last summer. I got the album in a kit for my birthday from two of my students and thought is was perfect for that fun summer day when the kids just played in the sand and did not care where it all went! Love those Maddie cheeks!

Also realised that I had not uploaded the layouts that I have completed so far for my Heidi Swapp class. For January's layout and discussion, you can see my blog entry here.

February is pretty self explanatory. We were to make a black and white collage diagonally across the page which I was quite pleased about as I had not done that before.

Then in March, it was a "count our blessings" theme and the stacking letters, small photo labels and transparency accent was on the list. I found that I liked using this smaller size of photos as they still have enough detail but you can fit so many on the page. I was a bit disappointed with my letters because they did not really stand out enough although i had deliberately used the cream and soft blue stamp. But maybe subtle is better. CC always welcome.

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