
Thursday 5 July 2007

and yet another Heidi project!

This was a Heidi project from April in our "A Year To Remember" class and I kind of held it in the back of my mind, determined that I would find the time and reason to do it sooner or later! I have gradually worked through almost all of her projects now and am quite chuffed with myself for doing so. And when inspiration hit to make this item for Isabella, I was so happy.

The magnet board was a lot more fun than I thought it would be to make and I am delighted with the results! I made it for my Isabella's christening present and as it was too big to fit into my suitcase to take back to the UK with me, I had to print off a photo of it for Lib and she will collect it when she is here later in the month! I put the magnets into the small heart shaped gift box I had made as a clue (which neither Jon nor Lib got!) and took that with me but I still have the magnet board here waiting to be collected. It is so lovely and the paper is so gorgeous (BasicGrey of course - Lilykate range) that I think Lib will have to prise it out of my hands. (only joking!)

I really think I will need to get another one to make up for myself - maybe to put in my workroom - in shades of pink.... will have to mull that one over. In the meantime....

I still haven't done anything for July photo of the day.... maybe tomorrow ...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:48 pm

    did you mean to say "my isabella" - that's so lovely if you think of her like that. i wasn't sure if you missed out "niece", but i hope you didn't. she is so wonderful, i hope you think so too. can't wait to come over, she is so mcuh fun at the moment! and i can't wait to get my hands on this board - i want it in her room!


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