
Tuesday 26 February 2008

Like it?

I LOVE it! And I know that must sound a bit conceited but I think this is totally adorable! You might recall that I made one of these gorgeous altered magnet boards last year to celebrate sweet Isabella's Christening and I have been itching to make one for myself ever since.

Of course, this is totally different from Isabella's - in every way - which was important for me because I did not to make just a copy and anyway, Isabella's is totally wonderful and so pretty.

But for the organising class I am doing right now, we had various projects to help us with our inspiration - collecting and displaying. I decided that an altered magnet board would be perfect for me as it was already hanging and I was not really using it for anything in particular and hey presto!

And then there was also a small inspiration clipboard which is simple but still so pretty. I adore the Infuse range of papers from BG and am so pleased that it was suggested in class that we made everything coordinating. It is such a simple suggestion but one that has made a big difference to how I feel about how it all looks. I think that left to my own devices, I would have made each item in a different BG range which would also have been lovely, but this coordination pleases me. I will also use Infuse for all the labels and other decorative bits that are bound to follow. It makes me smile and isn't that what it is all about?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:04 pm

    WOW!!! I LOVE this! I NEEEED one of those boards! Very very impressed!


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