
Friday 21 November 2008

Slowly but surely

It's a bit painful at the moment, but I am VERY slowly trying to work through outstanding stuff. My October 12 on 12 was missing as pointed out in the comments on my last entry by Meredith (:-)) and I really wanted to catch up so that I am on track with this. Maybe I am just making it too difficult?

Anyway, I decided to sit down during some dead time at work and create two simple sketches and then I just got on with it over the last couple of days. But you know, this is much harder for me than sitting with a blank piece of paper and just throwing stuff down on the page!

I decided to go all graphic and simple รก la Cathy Z (I'm doing her Design Your Life right now over at BPS and am trying to "internalise" some of this simpler stuff.) and I created a grid as the base to the layout. But as you can see, my measurements were somewhat "off", my common margins are not all that common and I have odd spaces here and there which I had to fill with ribbons and paper!!!! Best intentions! I guess there is always next time!

The main thing in that the day is recorded!

November was a bit more successful - and I used the new font recommended by Cathy Z which I adore.

And onto the next projects - the Christmas kit work for Bellaboo - another fantastic combinations that will blow your mind! Looking forward to sitting down tonight and getting down to it.

PS. Don't you hate the fact that it is so difficult to catch that 30 seconds of decent daylight now that winter is definitely here - taking photos on the floor with electric light and flash.... not a good combination! The layouts are much *nicer* IRL!

PPS. Isn't that Fancy Pants floral gorgeous? All the PP I used here (in both layouts) is from Bellaboo - I adore this range of Botanicals though. It was lovely to use something so pretty. It did not need much embellishment at all. Thanks Lib!


  1. oo! i love them both! and i feel good that i may have inspired you (or shamed you? lol) into finishing them up. i am SO impatient, lol!

    re: the bits of ribbon to even out the common margins? i think it adds so much. i never would have guessed it was a mistake.

    and the second one? SO creative!

  2. Anonymous5:51 pm

    these are both so lovely, love the font!

  3. Lib - that is Bleeding Cowboy that I sent you - it's lovely. I just want to use it on everything right now!

  4. Anonymous10:49 am

    Happy Birthday, Lisa, hope it's a good one! Came across your face in a magazine the other day, and tracked you down (not stalked, no) here.

    I'm loving your scrapbooking, do a bit myself, but prefer the fannying around with stuff rather than actually getting the photos and journalling down on an actual piece of paper.

    Was doing a sort out in our loft the other day, and came across a couple of photos taken in school, sat on radiators, and also in the playroom! Just how long ago was that?

    love and hugs

    Sarah - (Fantham back in the day, now Bastock) xxx

  5. i like how you've put the photos together on the second layout! looks reallyyy nice :)

  6. Lisa - GREAT PAGES!! thanks for posting them - I've added them to the 12-of-12 blog!!!

    we'll see you on Friday the 12th!


  7. Hi :) Love your pages, especially the 2nd set! Don't you just love those happy accidents when things just kind of fall in your page and the ribbons, etc. I agree w/ one would know it wasn't planned to be that way. :) And, I love the Bleeding Cowboy font! It's one of my faves.


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