
Sunday 11 January 2009

2009 - Welcome...

It's that time of year again. Can you believe it? Can you believe that it is here already? 

Of course, I mean the beginning! Another year. I know that time goes much faster the older we get, but it really seems to be vanishing in the blink of an eye!

I remember when I was a small child at primary school and we used to imagine how it would be to be "older". How did adults know what to talk about all the time? How come they understood everything? Would we ever be like that? And I distinctly remember imaging how old we would be in "2000"! We all looked at each other with wide eyes and said, "In the year 2000, we will be 33!!!!! Can you ever imagine being THAT old???" 

And now here we are almost at the end of the first decade of the 21st century.  

Scary stuff huh?

Anyway, our new year started really well. We went to Dubai to visit Jacqui who moved over there in September. We had a crazy, fabulous time and it was lovely to see her and Darren in their new home. Thanks for the hospitality Jac! We really enjoyed ourselves and I love the fact that we have seen somewhere that we would never have visited otherwise! Watch out for scrap pages on various aspects of the trip over the next few months.

So what else? Of course, the Bellaboo January kit "Virtuous" was another hit. I loved it - all dark moody colours which was right up my street and i loved using it to make layouts, a resolution box and a small desk calendar which I will use to record a few things for each month as well as having something nice to look at each month with photos from 2008. Want a kit? Check it out here but hurry as it's almost sold out!

Here is my resolution box (although I have heard the phrase "intention" a lot in the blogging world recently which is somewhat better than resolution - don't you think?)

There is space to write out each goal on the front of each page of the mini book and then on the back of each page I can write a few lines throughout the year to mark progress or thoughts. The box is also a bit bigger than needed which means I can add to it or maybe include some mementos etc. I just thought I would keep my options open. I now need to sit down and complete it - I will share my goals when I have firmed them up.

And here is the little calendar which stands in a CD case. Again room on the back for a few lines of text regarding each month and maybe even a few tiny photos of each month. Then at the end of the year, I can bind them together and I have a record of the year! I used monthly photos from last year too which will make my smile when I look at it - loving the trees in January and just wait for June (yum yum!).

I did four layouts in total (one's a double) and the one I like the most is my "One Little Word" one. If you do not know about this you can check out my post from January 2007 (here) and also the Ali Edwards site where it originates. I loved this so much from the first moment I read about it and my word for 2007 was Positive, 2008 was Consolidate and now for 2009 is Calm. This is most certainly something I need to work on LOL! Anyone who knows me will agree to this! 
Other layouts were two inspired by the fact it was full moon yesterday night (prompted by the BPS class Red Letter Days which takes a new look at the calendar for inspiration in our scrapping!), and one about a great evening we had out in the dessert. 

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