
Tuesday 3 March 2009

Unproductive but so much fun!

As you may or may not know, I spent a week in the UK just over a week ago. I wanted to use the time to catch up with friends and family, some of which I have not seen for some time. Of course, I also wanted to find some time to shop, hang out with my mum, spend some time with the little ones and hopefully also to achieve some serious scrapping!

Libby and I had organised a mini-crop (just the two of us) for the Wednesday evening and then there was an all day crop for the Saturday. And plenty of time to shop for scrap stash and time to stroke our new treasure.

Not that this was a tall list or anything!

On our "mini-crop" night we started off by finishing off the March Bellaboo kit - "Over The Rainbow" (seen it? It's fab of course - check it out here) and then also working out a few final details for the fabulous "Bambi, Shillings and Pence" canvas project kit (here). And you may be thinking that the name is a little suspect (!) but we felt it was better than my original idea of "Your Number's Up, Bambi"! A great kit full of vintage items and the gorgeous Sassafras Fawned of You, Too papers (hence the Bambi reference.) Then we moved on to stroke our purchases from that day's shopping trip to PaperArts in Stroud - shout out to them and their great BasicGrey selection. Only then did we look at the clock and realise that it was already gone 10 and we had not even eaten yet. No scrapping that night then...

But it would be better on Saturday when we would have the WHOLE day scrapping at the crop. Mmmm. That was the plan anyway!

I had an absolutely fantastic time but all I managed to achieve was this below:

One single layout! Thanks to Deb for the challenge - without that, I wouldn't even have managed this! I had such a great time chatting, laughing, looking at what the others were doing, catching up with the girls, talking to a "long lost" school friend who came along with her sister (Hi Sarah!) and generally having a silly, fun time! We laughed so much, it was no wonder that I didn't manage to get anything done. It was just lovely for me to be with other like-minded ladies, ladies who share this passion for glue and paper that I have and to generally just relax and enjoy the day. To everyone of you who were there on that day and who might be reading this - thanks for a wonderfully fun day. I can't wait to see you all again and I so wish sometimes that I lived in the UK so that I could tag along to all the crops. You know who you are and you made my day just great!

I came home and R asked how much I had achieved and I pulled out this single, solitary layout and the look on his face was precious. But I do not regret a minute!

Here's to the next time I break out of solitary scrapping confinement to join in with others!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:35 pm

    I didn't even see what you had done, but I love this, it's gorgeous. Wish you were at all the crops :(


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