
Wednesday 27 May 2009

Blustery scrapping

I don't know how the weather has been with you the last few days but blustery is most definitely the description I would use round here! I try and air the place every morning and this morning was no exception, except that as I was sitting here in my workroom, it felt as if I was sitting in some kind of wind tunnel. I even lost one or two scraps of paper off the desk as the air whistled past. Not normal!

Anyway, Libby had offered me a challenge and so I sat down and did it. She collects Momiji dolls and wanted to scrap on that, so I chose our Starbucks bears that have been known to take over the house from time to time. Currently, I only have two in residence (all the rest are shivering in the dark and cold cellar) from Valentine's Day and Easter but of course, photos can always be found of our friends.

I think it might still need something to finish it off but at least it encouraged me to pick up the scissors and get to work on something after a bit of a dry spell. And to use up just a few pieces of my ever growing collection of die-cut sheets of paper - MUST. STOP. SPENDING....

It's basic but to the point and I can't wait to see what the girls come up with on the Momijis. I bet they are totally creative and put me to shame! And I might have to look into these adorable little dolls for myself. They look so sweet and I love collecting things.

Got to dash. I have to go and practice my swing!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:20 pm

    lovely LO, and i didn't even think about your Bears - what a cool subject. Thanks for joining in!!


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