
Thursday 3 September 2009

Oh my!

Where has it all come from? This burst of creativity that has pushed me to produce so much more than usual? Personally, I put it down to guilt.

Or shame.

Or it could be boredom (nah!)

Or just plain old inspiration.

But I think that guilt is the far more likely culprit.

Guilt at having so much adorable stash that was still in the delivery boxes they came in 2 years ago (yes, real earth years...). Kits were piled to the ceiling in the old flat and when I packed to move, I opened all the boxes and just stuffed them together in packing boxes. I was ashamed at what I saw. Beautiful papers, blossoms, alphas, buttons and all untouched, unused, unloved all this time. To give you an idea of how unloved these kits had been, one set of AC thickers don't stick anymore! I had to glue them all down individually. They had been sitting forlornly on the shelf so long, they had given up the ghost. Tut, tut, tut.

And so they have now all been set free. I have used and sorted the leftovers of three kits over the last days and have produced and produced and produced.

Numbers 3 to 10 are below and I am sat here grinning smugly.

Of course, I have enough neglected stash to make 500 layouts (really probably) without buying more than glue but it is a start. What other gems with be unearthed amongst all the chaos?

I'm looking forward to finding out.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:37 am

    lovely layouts and cards! and wow that kit is a blast from the past!


I love comments! Thanks for taking the time. <3 <3 <3