
Sunday 4 October 2009

Slow weekend

We have been totally lazy this weekend.

Yesterday, Saturday, was a Bank Holiday here in Germany (Reunification Day) and that means that it's a REAL Bank Holiday. No shops are open. Nothing happens. Hardly anyone is on the streets. It doesn't matter that it's a Saturday.

Usually, Saturday Bank Holidays drive me a bit crazy but not this one. We decided that it was going to be sloooooow. We would get up late. Sit around. Be lazy. Do nothing. Watch crappy daytime TV. And that is exactly what we did!

I won't even tell you how late we got up! Let's just say it was not single digits. And the same today. A lovely, relaxed day.

We went out to dinner last night to celebrate 11 years since we met (can it really be so long?!?) and mmmm, it was delicious. Here's my layout to recognise this milestone.

And then late last night I read this entry on Libby's blog. I got quite emotional. Her words were sweet and stuck a chord.

What did I do before scrapbooking?
  • I took a lot of photos but didn't know what to do with them. 
  • I kept piles of memorabilia but could hardly remember what bits represented what memory. 
  • I collected pens and papers but they were not pretty and were rarely used up. 
  • I knew that I wanted to capture those past memories and my innermost thoughts, but didn't know how. 
When I discovered scrapbooking, I knew that this was something for me, but I was afraid to jump in. Honestly, I read loads about it online and thought about it all the time. I know that this could be the answer to my dilemmas but didn't really know where or how to start. And then I mentioned this to Libby and dragged her over to a shop I had seen advertised as stocking scrapbooking supplies. We both knew instantly that this was it! We had found it. I bought a whole load of random products and had no idea whatsoever about how I was going to actually create a page. In those days, we were both feeling our way around - it was really funny! And look at us now. This hobby of ours has most definitely taken over. It fills many, many of my waking moments and even when I am not actually sitting here creating, I am thinking about it.

I love living here. I don't really get homesick any more (well, rarely anyway). But when I hear about Libby's crops, I really feel it. I wish I was there more often. I love it every time I go and I love to see the girls, to spend all my time giggling and being unproductibe and I love every minute! So guys, you know that I would be there more often if I could! But I'm always there in spirit!

Oh, and I almost forgot - Happy Anniversary Libby and Jon. We wish you all the happiness in the world.


  1. Libby really did strike a chord with her post. We love our scrapbooking, we love collecting our goodies and we love our memories. And we certainly love "our" days when we get to scrap and chat and laugh.... Hope you're over soon, for such a day, you are missed at the crop, you know.

    Eleven years! Where has the time gone? I think someone keeps time-turning, lol...

  2. Anonymous5:41 pm

    yep i really wish you were at the crops too. what an emtional train of thought I've created with my slightly rambling post! But seriously I think I would not be as happy in life had you not got me into this.


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