
Saturday 16 January 2010

12 on 12

Are you 12 on 12'ing yet?

I'm still managing to get this done each and every month. Although to be honest, it's a miracle most months as I am so forgetful. And most months, the 12th just jumps up and bites me. It's just another reminder of how fast time is flying and I was honestly shocked rigid this month when I got my reminder from Susan on Monday evening. Surely it couldn't be the 12th already?

Then it's a matter of actually remembering all through the day - this week for example, I seem to have just stopped early evening. The camera was there on the table, but it didn't register with my brain. But it made it easier somehow to pick out only 12 photos for the day.

When I put the layout together this morning, it struck me how colourless all the photos are. Grey and dreary and quite frankly, a bit boring. And then I thought about how that sums up January completely (and that is exactly what this project is all about). My least favourite month of the year. I was thankful for the beautiful pink flowers that my very dear school friend Geraldine had sent me so at least there was the tiniest splash of pale pink there.

These layouts are by no means wonderful and beautiful. But that is not really why I am doing it.

I take photos and use them to document a day in the life...

When I first started, I spent ages creating elaborate double page spreads and getting all "designy" with it. Since last year, I take my photos, print them out 2x2 and then just lay them out on a single spread. Add some journalling and be done with it.

I now have 22 months documented and have just spent 10 mins flipping through my album - so interesting to see how things have changed (and not changed) over those 22 months.

Here are my catch up layouts:

November 2009

December 2009

January 2010

1 comment:

  1. I love your 12 on 12s, and must admit to opening up the pictures, and putting my nose to the screen to peer at your pictures and journalling...

    I bet it was interesting to look back, I did a similar thing last week with my blog, and even though it's only just over a year, the patterns are starting to emerge... The monochrome of this time of year, and the bright greeness of summer.


I love comments! Thanks for taking the time. <3 <3 <3