
Sunday 14 February 2010

Still on target

28 layouts in 28 days!

It's still fun, I'm still feeling the groove, my strategy is still proving useful. And I currently have a nice pile of 14 layouts sitting in my scraproom! This is great and I feel totally energised to keep going.

Ok, so my life is probably about 10% as full as you mums out there, but it's been really good to get me away from the television and using up lots and lots of supplies.

My Pink Whispers kit has proved a life-saver but I think I might have to switch to another colour scheme! The pink is feeling a bit over the top now. Shock horror - me? tired of pink? well, there's a thing! But there is still loads left (I added in a few things along the way) and I might be able to squeeze out a few that are not pink at all.

February 11th

Still the Pink Whispers kit but taking out some of the other hues inspired by the stems and flower centres of the tulips.

February 12th

What I am really loving about LOAD is that it is giving me the push to actually complete some of the stories or ideas I've had for some time. This was an idea that I've had since I fluffed my speech at R's birthday party back in November!

February 13th 

I don't think I've ever finished my 12 on 12 so early! Continuing with the pink theme thanks to the brighter, more colourful photos. And using up some stash that I don't love quite as much as I did when I bought it so it feels great to see it used up!

February 14th

And here we are up to date and today's romance captured. The day is not over, but the main story is told. Love, love, love it!

LOAD is supported by a private group on Flickr which has also proved to be part of the fun. 147 other scrappers, posting every day, supporting each other, leaving positive comments, motivating each other and having lots of fun. I am loving it all. As a solo scrapper, this kind of thing is what I have been missing and I am really enjoying the community! And I'm getting lots of lovely comments from many talented scrapbookers which is a thrill for me. Makes me feel all warm and gooey. It is really time intensive, but while I have the time, it's great to use it in this way. 

There was something else I wanted to write today, but I can't for the life of me remember what it was.

Anyway, HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY and I hope that your day was filled with romance and love.



  1. Great Lo's as usual really love the 12 on 12.I can't believe how you are still keeping up with LOAD.I think i need to have a go one month and use some of my stash up.

  2. Great layouts, ditto Deb, love your 12 on 12, not sure I could do it, struggling to do my February Document 2010, although the month is getting a bit busier from now...


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