
Monday, 19 July 2010

I've been...


Yes, I have stumbled onto the Glee bandwagon!

It hasn't reached Germany yet. Actually, can't imagine it ever reaching here - not sure the humour would translate very well, culturally.

But I had heard so much about it online and then, when I was in the UK, I caught two episodes - I was hooked. So, I dashed home and watched the whole series one and a half episodes at a time online (the online service I was using limits free viewing to 74 mins!) - it was good for my ironing! Unfortunately, it only took about 10 days to manage this and as I watched the last episode, I felt bereft.


And the DVD won't be available until September over there in the UK.

There was nothing else for it - over to Amazon and order all the music!

Da daaaa....

This music is making me smile. Got to love that!


  1. Yeah,your a Gleek like me now.You can get Season 1 Volume 1 box set now which is the first 13 episodes.I've nearly wore my box set out.
    Thanks for the Birthday wishes.

  2. Anonymous12:17 pm

    about time too!

  3. and that's what's been happening on... GLEE!


I love comments! Thanks for taking the time. <3 <3 <3