
Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Blog Award

How lovely! I've been awarded the following blog award...

... from my lovely LOAD friend Debbie (check out her creative blog here). I am thrilled that she thought of me and it certainly made a grey day a little brighter! Thanks Debbie!

This award comes with a few rules:

  1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this. 
  2. Share 8 things about yourself.
  3. Pay it forward to 8 bloggers that you have recently discovered (see below).
  4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their awards.
8 things about myself:
  1. I am always tired - I mean ALWAYS! Have been all my life. No excuses, I just am!
  2. I can't curl my tongue much to my family's amusement - all of whom can. 
  3. I love this time of year - the colder the better.
  4. I think that even though I have a British passport, I must really have been born German - Gemany just suits me SO well!
  5. I am a total control freak - go figure!
  6. I am a Scorpio - can you see a theme here?
  7. I think I am addicted to the internet and email. I can't imagine my life without either of them.
  8. I am a total Christmas film freak - all the way from the Muppets' Christmas Carol through to my all time fave, Holiday Inn
8 blogs that I enjoy -  in random order:
  1. Libby - A Lifetime of Chances
  2. Debbie - A World of Imagination
  3. Sarah - Sarah's Pigeonhole
  4. S - Snaps & Snippets
  5. Nic H - It's Been One of Those Days
  6. Margie - Xnomad's Blog
  7. The Gutsy Mom
  8. Paper View
They may not all be recent discoveries, but they are all very creative and fill me with inspiration every time I read them. As I have talked about before here on my blog, living away from friends and family, as well as being a "bit" of a Billy No Mates (!), my blog friends are really important to me and helps me to feel connected. I love this virtual world of ours - don't you?

Looking forward to the start of December - I really want to attempt some sort of a daily album à la December Daily or Journal Your Christmas. Any similar plans your way?


  1. Lisa, thank you so much!! I discovered so many sweet ladies during the blog hop, too... thanks for your kind words. :) xo, N

  2. Thank you Lisa for the award and for your kind words. I haven't been around for a while,hope you are well.

  3. Hi Lisa! What a nice surprise! I do plan to play along and pass on the love. Thanks for the compliment. You made my day!

  4. Hi Lisa! You totally made my day. Thank you so much for the award. I will be playing along as soon as possible. I feel the same way with regard to cyber friends and finding inspiration on blogs and online classes and communities. I can't wait to check out the sites of the other awardees!

  5. Yeah, I'm so glad to share the wealth. I have loved your blog since the first time I saw it. You are so talented! It is fun to learn a bit more about you reading your 8 things about yourself. Now I must check out your blog selections!


I love comments! Thanks for taking the time. <3 <3 <3