
Friday, 31 December 2010

Happy New Year's Eve!

Well, tomorrow will be the start of a new year and I have to admit to being happy to see the back of 2010. Not a good year overall. Close the door and say goodbye to all that and hope for better times in 2011.

There have been so many cool blog posts I read this week with reviews of the year that has been (current 4 list, top ten this and that lists, favourite blogs/pages/blog posts, Christmas in review etc) that I have loved reading and so wanted to do a few of my own but the time is now too tight and I just wanted a short post to finish off the year. So I will just post a few of my favourite decoration photos and call it a day! I will try harder in the new year and already have a three part entry lined up to post.

We had a very pink Christmas (yes, I have total control over the main decorations in our home and can dictate very girlie, pretty colours!!!).

I was thrilled with how my tree turned out - even if it's as dry as a bone and will no doubt be completely bald by the time I have de-decorated it!

We had a pink Advent wreath - stunning

And plenty of pretty, mostly pink touches around the living room.

I will be sad (but also so ready) to take everything down tomorrow and Sunday. Mostly I miss the twinkly lights everywhere...

And what about New Year ("Silvester" in German)?

We are off out tonight to celebrate the new year with family and I will be taking these little piggies with me.

Pigs are traditional for new year in Germany as a symbol of good luck (along with 4 leaf clover and chimney sweeps) and over the years I have received many collected many pink piggy cuddly toys! But it's very traditional to eat these little marzipan cuties to so I have bought one each for us (R will be delighted to get two as I am not a big marzipan fan) and I prettied them up with some labels that I downloaded here.

I will have a full basket of goodies with me as I have made two desserts: Crème Brûlée and Chocolate Mousse which have also been decorated with the cute tags. Christmas and New Year is not a time to count calories in the Hausmann household!!

And I have a whole pile of crackers which are always fun as my German family were not familiar with the British obsession with the crappy present, crappy joke and crappy paper hat filled packages of fun until they met me! And BTW, the crappier the present and joke, the better the cracker in my book!

So there you have it. 2010 is at an end and all that remains is for me to wish you all a very happy, fun celebration tonight and I wish you all the best for 2011!

As we say here in Germany, "Ein gutes Rutsch ins neue Jahre!
(literally: a good slide into the new year)


  1. I love all the pink, right down to the last two little piggies! Happy New Year to you two!

  2. Anonymous5:14 pm

    hapy new year to you too and here's to 2011!!

  3. Guten Tag - I've just found your blog via 'S' and would like to wish you a Happy new Year :-)

  4. Happy New Year !!!!! Love the pink decorations,a girl after my own heart.
    Here's to 2011 !!!!!

  5. Love all the pink

    Happy New Year

  6. Happy new Year Lisa! I love all your pink decor and the cute little piggies. So sweet.

  7. Happy New Year Lisa! I love your pink christmas decorations!!
    Thanks for your comments on my blog. My grandparents came from a town in Bavaria, called Dorfgutingen. I have many relatives in Germany and would love to visit them sometime. I really wish I could speak the language, but hubby does understand the language and speaks a bit (his mother grew up in Poland during the war). How long have you lived in Germany?
    Enjoy your day!

  8. Such pretty pink decorations! The pigs were cute and I LOVED your "crappy" New Year's tradition! Here's to a splendid 2011!


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