
Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Jingle Belles #10

This week's challenge over at Jingle Belles is "Home for the Holidays".

Guest star Rose from Rose's Happy Place came up with the challenge after finding herself singing along to "Home for the Holidays" and so, this week we should make a card inspired by our own Home for the Holidays ... it might be our childhood home, our current home, or our home-away-from-home.

My mind went off in all sorts of directions, considering an alternative colour scheme of red, white and blue to represent going back to the UK for Christmas, through to something German now that home is here. 

But in the end, I went with Santa. 

I believe

Do you?

I believed in magic right through my childhood, refusing to listen to friends who told me otherwise. I knew that Father Christmas came to visit me each Christmas, even if he didn't visit any of my friends.

Father Christmas appears to have lost my address the last few years, but I am still a big believer.

So a simple card for this simple sentiment. 

The red bling is for the pretty fairy lights that were always the main attraction for me on the tree.

Want to get ahead for Christmas? Why not join us all over at Jingle Belles? The prompts are great and that pile of Christmas cards is so worth it! With the number I need to send each year, I will be done and finished long before December!


  1. i believe, still do.

  2. I believe !!! Love the card and good choice of papers, lol. Great minds think alike as the saying goes.xxxx

  3. Aw, this is a wonderful card with a great background story to it. I believe too! Santa should be giving you a little extra something sweet for your devotion!

  4. What awesome memories ... believing is key in so many areas of life ... thanks for the reminder ... and thanks for joining our jingle belles journey.

  5. absolutely your take on the JB challenge!

  6. ♥♥♥! i believe in the magic of santa, for sure! i also BELIEVE that miss lisa h. will ROCK every single xmas card prompt we throw at her! and as inarguably proof of the latter, i submit the photos of this latest lovely & wonderful card!!! :) :) :)

  7. So that is where Santa went instead of my home!!! lol

    girl this is FANTASTIC!!! LOVE the "old" look and that bling is perfecto!!!

  8. I just want to be on your Christmas list if you are creating gorgeous cards like these~ sweet.

    I have a hard time doing anything Christmas at all in the spring!


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