
Friday, 1 April 2011

You know a kit has run its course when...

.... you create something that you look at and think... bleh!

This is exactly such a layout. I like the colours. I like the papers. I like the design (courtesy of Page Maps 2). I like the photos. But all together, it does nothing for me at all!

Anyway, more photos used up and almost all these products are ancient! Old Fancy Pant papers, Heidi Swapp tapes, KI journalling spots and a scrabble alphabet which had never been used and is probably 4 years old. So good in a way but bad that the combination leaves me somewhat cold. :-)

So, I guess it's time to move on then. To break up the rest of my March Counterfeit Kit Challenge kit and put the pieces where they belong so that I can move on. Move on to a new month and a new challenge kit. And also to move on to some of the still unfinished kits I have sitting around here.

I can see 5 on the floor (it really is reducing!) and I think there are three or four mini-kits left over from my Bellaboo days. So the overall kit usage is getting better as I really work through what I have and there are no new kits coming through the door. Although I really hope to be able to subscribe to one again sometime in the future.

I made a total of 6 layouts from this kit which is 6 more than I probably would have made without it! My kit was filled with some really old stuff and to see it being used up felt really good. In April, I might try to whip up a card or two as well before I put it all away.

And the verdict? This is a great incentive to shop your stash and then use it! The mini challenges were great and really got me moving. And there are some wonderful fellow forgers out there which was really inspirational. Count me in for the next kit.

PS. Don't forget to check out my post (Help Me Celebrate!) to share what cheers you up and to be entered into my mini-prize draw to celebrate 300 blog posts! It would be lovely to hear from you!

I want to make the draw at the weekend so there's still a few days - it's been lovely to hear from you and to hear what cheers you up. I am still feeling under the weather and have now lost my voice :-( so you've been helping me feel a bit better. 

Keep it coming!


  1. Fab LO, the papers suit your photo's

  2. I love your fresh spring look! And yes I'm looking forward to a new bit of counterfeiting too :)

  3. There is definitely a limit to what you can get out of a kit, even if you love all the individual pieces. I usually get bored before I make a layout that I don't like. I guess I don't have the patience to carry on like you. When I'm done, I'm done.

  4. I don't know how you do it. I have tried to use my kits and the only way I am successful is to pour it all out and mix it in with everything else. I have serious kit issues. I think what you do is brilliant! It is such a challenge to get in see the inspiration come to life. I learn so much from your creativity & your sharing!


I love comments! Thanks for taking the time. <3 <3 <3