
Friday, 3 June 2011

Making a page one bite at a time

A fellow LOADster friend, Kim Byrns recently contacted me and flatteringly asked if she could use a layout of mine as the featured layout for "Bite-sized Scrapbooking" which she has set up to help scrapbookers get pages done at a steady, doable pace.

Bite-sized Scrapbooking is all about

"the old adage, "How do you eat an elephant?" One bite at a time, of course!

Scrapbooking can seem like the proverbial elephant. You have so many photos, products, tools, ideas, and sources of inspiration. Where do you start? What should you use? What do you want to work on, right now? It can be a bit overwhelming—especially when you don't have a lot of time to spend on scrapbooking. And perhaps when you finally have a few minutes to scrap, you find yourself spinning your wheels and not accomplishing very much. Sound familiar?"

Kim sends out emails during with week with single steps to take which will build up to make one layout a week based on a sketch and inspiration page. So, for example, the first email would tell you how many photos you need for your layout and the story, second email would prompt you about the tools and supplies you need and so on. You are only concentrating on these single decisions which prevents you from feeling overwhelmed with all those choices!

Sounds like a wonderful, enabling concept and I am delighted to have been chosen as the inspiration this week with a layout I created last year:

If you'd like to find out more about Kim's innovative concept, the site can be found here (Bite-sized Scrapbooking), on Twitter (@kkbyrnsand Facebook (@bitesizedscrapbooking), and their gallery is hosted over at Flickr (bitesizedscrapbooking).


  1. This sounds like a wonderful idea - I'll have to check it out. How nice to have your layout chosen too :)

  2. I love that LO - great way of adding lots of different sized photos TFS

  3. Hey, good for you! That's exciting to be featured that way! I plan to check out Bite sized Scrapbooking soon, after I recover from LOAD! Congrats!

  4. Anonymous7:32 pm

    well done! great LO too, love the way you get so much on a page


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