
Friday, 15 July 2011

Ric Rac Roses

When I first put my Ingonish Beach Counterfeit kit together, I mentioned that I wanted to have a go at making some ric rac roses that I had seen online. There was a lot of interest in the comments and then I panicked that I wouldn't be able to find where I had seen the tutorial or the gorgeous results.

Thank goodness for Pinterest! I knew that it would come in useful one day rather than just being a time sucker and sure enough, there was the tutorial pinned in my account.

So before I forget, here is the link to these stunning roses and such a great tutorial:

Anyway, I followed the easy instructions and even did it without a sewing machine which took a bit longer but was in a strange way, somehow calming!

I am pleased with the results although now I've made them, I wonder if they are too big (dimensional) for a layout and maybe I need to find another use for them.

The pink and cream turned out really nice although the shiny thread was a bit more tricky to control.  The white standard ric rac gave another effect and folded out differently. 

They take a bit of practice to get the twisting right at the beginning and the petals rolled out correctly but I'm thrilled with how they turned out. Definitely something to add to my list of achievements!

Once again, if you are interested in trying these for yourselves, check out the link below:

The Crafting Chicks 

Any favourite tutorials to share?


  1. Great job Lisa, those are so pretty! I'm usually not good at this type of thing but I have a challenge coming up where I need to make flowers and you've inspired me! I'm going to pick up some rick rack tomorrow and give this a try!

  2. Wow,Lisa they look amazing,thanks for sharing the link and i will definitely be giving them a go. Have a good weekend.xxxx

  3. Anonymous10:52 am

    These are so sweet - I haven't seen these before. Yours turned out beautifully!

  4. Anonymous12:22 pm

    those are gorgeous I love them!

  5. Those are really pretty. Sometimes time consuming crafting can be relaxing and other times not - these look a little too tricky to be calming to me. Well done, you!

  6. so pretty. i love pinterest,so much inspiration

  7. So pretty. I might try too! Thank you for finding your original inspiration link and then the inspiration from your beautiful roses too.

  8. Those really are pretty!! Good for you in trying this tutorial, there are so many out there but I love how these turned out :)

  9. These look beautifully done! They've been on my list for a long time and I might just have to have a crack at them soon!

  10. Heidi7:09 am

    lovely Lisa...

  11. I love these roses! You did an amazing job! I put some rickrack in my kit-I may have to try these! Thanks so much for sharing!

  12. I love these!!!! So, so pretty and I can't wait to try and make some. Thank you for sharing the link.

  13. Hi Lisa, I'm having a catch up after being away! I have these pinned too, but I haven't managed to get round to making them yet - yours are gorgeous!

    I've been thinking about scrapping to music too. Some days I'm in the mood for complete peace and quiet and other days I like loud music - Thin Lizzy at the moment!

  14. These are beautiful! What a great idea!


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