
Saturday, 3 September 2011

Things I've Loved .... August

You all know that I love taking photos. And I love reading blogs. And I'm always the first to jump onto someone else's idea and copy them :-)

Deb posted a great photo review of August on her blog this week and I decided I had to do this straight away! Thanks Deb for the inspiration and for allowing me to be a copy cat!

The funny thing is that I'm not taking many photos these days and I didn't do very much in August. But let me see what I can rustle up.

The highlight of the month was definitely baby brother Ted coming to visit for two weeks. He worked for a week in the office earning some pocket money and worked on school work at least another two days but we did manage to fit in some fun things and lot of culture.

The now traditional "arriving at the airport" photo... (not the best ever but a must have)...

We started off the culture by visiting the Volkwang Museum in Essen which has recently been completely renovated and extended. The Joel Sternfeld photography exhibition was excellent...

Then we went to Düsseldorf to the Kunstsammlung. Caan you see a pattern here? Yes, he's very interested in art...

Can't believe how much he's grown. I'm officially the smallest in the whole family now...

Next up was the Käthe Kollwitz museum in Cologne which was interesting if a bit depressing. There was a lot of Death depicted. But Ted had studied her work before so he was very enthusiastic. The gallery itself was fantastic - all light and space...

A quick dash into Cologne city to catch a glimpse of the cathedral...

We made sure we had a games evening. I was ganged up on by the boys. Monopoly is way too long for me normally, and I always lose but I gave in after being promised and provided with cocktails...

No trip to Germany in August is complete without going to Crange Kirmes (the local famous fun fair which I've talked about before) and this time was no exception...

I noticed that the mornings are now darker when I leave the house but the touch of autumn in the air made me happy...

There was some happy mail from Ginger over in Alberta...

And a lot of creating. Amongst all the regular scrapping for the Counterfeit Kit Challenge and the weekly Whimsical Musings, I joined in on the Big Picture Classes Big Idea Festival to create an adorable little mini book for which I had been lucky enough to win the kit. More happy dances!

Yep, that's about it. There was a lot of work, not much sunshine and plenty of rainy days but all in all, not a bad month!

Tune in next month and in the meantime, I'll try to remember to take some photos!


  1. Congrats and welcome to the CKCB DT!

  2. Great post, Lisa. It looks like your brother had a nice visit. I have been seeing lots of monthly wrap-up posts this week - I might have to try that too - if I can remember to take a bunch of photos!

  3. Lisa I absolutely love this post! Thanks so much for sharing your August photos, it looks like the visit with your younger brother was lots of fun :)

  4. Looks like a good August was had. Autumn's definitely on the way here, too.

  5. Gosh Ted's grown up all of a sudden. Loved looking at your photo's,looks like you had a great August. I hope you'll join me this month too :-) xxxxx

  6. Congrats on becoming a Master Forger! And what a great post!

  7. Very cool post, I enjoy all the lovely pictures!

  8. It looks like a great visit with all those happy photos!

    You were asking about the woodgrain paper on my Thursday layout. It is "Sailboat" from the October Afternoon Seaside collection

  9. Congratulations on making the team! You are going to perfect, and I can't wait to see what you create!


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