
Monday, 26 January 2015

LOAD215 blog hop

So, it's that time of year again! 

LOAD215 begins in just a few days and we are all here (see list at the end of my post) today to share our collective wisdom on taking part in the most scrappy laughter you'll have all year, and having a chance of completing it too.

Yes, creating a scrapbook page each and every day for a whole month (or whatever your own personal monthly goal is), while having more fun that you thought possible, is totally doable. We are all proof of that.

This will be my 18th (!) LOAD which makes a whole lot of pages - more than 500 - and over the years, I've participated in several pre-LOAD blog hops. Check out my "Pre-LOAD posts" page there in the right side-bar (or click here). I've shared how I approach the month (relaxed), what I do to prepare (not a lot) and what I intend to get out of the month (community and plenty of smiles).

Several of my posts have ten point strategies for completing the month, basically boiling down to...
  1. Clear space
  2. Use that stash
  3. Preparation
  4. Sketches, Pinterest, Flickr favourites
  5. Glue & go
  6. Handwritten journalling
  7. Quick techniques
  8. Perfection is over-rated
  9. Be part of the LOAD community
  10. Have FUN!
But relating my advice to the theme of this blog hop - What do I wish I'd known? - I think my post before LOAD214 is probably the best I can offer here. I drew up a list of LOAD myths and then busted them! Check out the link to the post for all the details but let me just give you a quick, edited overview...
  1. This is a competition. No! You are not in competition with other layouts in the gallery, for the numbers other LOADsters might be achieving or for who does or doesn't win a spot prize. We are mostly doing this challenge for ourselves and our own personal satisfaction. 
  2. You HAVE to follow every prompt. No! The prompts are there to guide us as we go along but if they don't "speak" to you then there are no scrapbooking police round here. :-) Create the pages you want, when you want.
  3. If you miss a day, you might as well give up. No! If for some reason, you miss a day, then just continue when you can. Every page you create is a success.
  4. Every page needs to be a work of art OR made in 30 minutes. No! Don't feel that you have to do what others are doing if that doesn't sit well with you. Stay true to yourself and your pile of layouts on the 28th will be authentically yours.
  5. You are not at your scrap desk for one day and can't scrap. No! I've scrapped at the airport, on the train, written up stories to be scrapped on the go and stolen an hour to get my page done while visiting relatives. If you want to scrap, then find a way to fit it in :-)
  6. You are feeling discouraged and disheartened for whatever reason and want to give up. No! Come to the gallery and share what you're feeling. There's so many people over there who can offer support, advice, a sympathetic ear, a shoulder to cry on. When we talk about the LOAD community, that's exactly what it is... a community. It's loving and friendly and welcoming. Use it as much as you can and you will be amazed at the connections and friendships you make. 
As always, my best advice to anyone joining us for the first or 20th time is to relax, enjoy the process and make sure you have fun. 

And to finish, I'll write what you can find at the bottom of every one of those pre-LOAD posts: Take a deep breath, clear off your scrap space, print off your photos, stock up on your adhesives, collect your supplies so that they are near to hand and enjoy the ride! I know I will be.

This is my layout pile from LOAD1014 which makes me very happy. Think of all those photos scrapped and stories told

I try to make a round-up page on the last day of each LOAD to capture my feelings about the creative month. These are often among my favourite of the whole month. What will February bring? Let's see what my 28th Feb layout has to say. I can't wait to find out

You can find all my previous blog post for tips and tricks about participating and completing LOAD on my Pre-LOAD posts page

And here's the full blog hop list today!




  1. So much great advice, Lisa!! Can't wait to spend the month with you!

  2. Love how you battled the excuses! Wonderful post and looking forward to scrappin' with you next month :)

  3. Love your boiled down list. Succeeding at LOAD is really that simple!

  4. Certainly you are the Master LOADster! Your beautiful layouts inspired me from day 1 and your kind words and encouragement helped me through many a rough LOAD day. Thank you for sharing this amazing ride with me and all of us. Hugs!

  5. Anonymous9:03 pm

    Looking forward to see your pages Lisa. I haven`t made one page in January so I might be a little rusty at first:)

  6. Lisa, you are a LOAD guru - what a great resource of tips and tricks! Looking forward to seeing your layouts again in the gallery!

  7. Good luck with LOAD, I'm excited to see all those layouts!! And my fave of your tips - glue & go!

  8. Great tips and you are a guru (that is said with the greatest respect!), You always inspire me.

  9. No matter how many we do it's always new! Can't wait to ride along with you in February <3

  10. OMgosh 18th! that is amazing (where have I been under a rock to only be on my 2nd one :) Great tips too :) I've got my old counterfeit kits handy and ready :) Lots of photos printed (maybe organize them a bit over the weekend will help :) Now I'm ready and in anticipation for that 1st prompt :)

  11. Will miss you guys :(

  12. You know how much I admire this project! best of luck. I'm looking forward to admiring A LOT of scrapping :)

  13. I am in awe of anyone who can make a scrapbook page every day! Wishing you lots of luck and looking forward to the results :).


I love comments! Thanks for taking the time. <3 <3 <3