
Thursday, 15 October 2015

15 loves {October 2015}

Welcome to the next in the series {15 loves} for 2015 based on the original concept by my beloved friend, Pam, back in January 2013. I shared my loves (mostly late) all through 2013 & 2014 and now it's time to see if I can continue the series through 2015. I hope you will come back each month to see if there is anything in my list to inspire you. You can see all my {13 loves} {here}, my {14 loves} {here} and now all my {15 loves} {here}

I hope there's something in here to inspire you or maybe just make you smile.


I saw this colour featured on S's blog and fell in love. 

Essie here


I *might* have picked up one or two items from this collection. Well, it would have been rude not to.

I must have saved this from Pinterest or FB and didn't save the original link. But anyway, it's kind of cute! Adding to my flamingo collection.

American Crafts


Every. Single. Week.


We've turned into Downton fiends. Now onto series 4 and can't believe it will come to an end :-(


September was successful with daily photos and now i just have to make up my Learning Something New Every Day mini album (Shimelle's class)! I hope to get it done by the end of October but I really enjoyed having a photographic focus to the month. I need to do that again. 


I'm still so very inspired by Ashli Oliver. Another gorgeous layout seen on Pinterest.

Ashli Oliver at Cocoa Daisy here


True, so true

American Crafts


This gorgeous girl is, well, just gorgeous!


Now, doesn't this look delicous? Vodka, pear, lavender lemonade.

Recipe found here


Autumn is here and it makes me happy, every single day


I love maps. This is just gorgeous. Found on Pinterest and instantly saved.

Story by Modcloth here


Gorgeous Tiffany inspired printables. I'm not sure if I'd use them but they sure are cute.

Suitable for a very civilised cocktail hour which I keep saying we need, this bar cart might be a bit out of my price range but it's so gorgeous that I obviously need to track down something similar!

At Furbish Studio here


The BBC adaptation of Pride & Prejudice, a classic version for sure, celebrated its 20th Jubilee recently and I even made it into a Whimsical Musings prompt. There's a great article about it on the BBC website. And the Colin Firth lake swimming scene still sets my heart racing.

Ilove you to share your own {15 loves} lists with me. Why not link up in the comments below?


  1. Another great list - I am ashamed to admit I have never seen the Colin Firth version of P & P, must remedy that.

  2. You know how much I always enjoy these posts. Do you think you'll be able to keep it going next year too? I'm hoping some of that Memorandum comes my way very soon


I love comments! Thanks for taking the time. <3 <3 <3