
Monday, 25 January 2016

Scrapabilly January 2016 kit shares (part 3) and my One Little Word

Last week, here and here, I shared the first four layouts using the BasicGrey stuffed January kit from Scrapabilly. And I'm back today to share with you my fifth and final layout which also happens to feature my One Little Word.

First of all, let me remind you of that lovely kit - you know how much I love BG!

And here's my layout - my OLW is "Composed".

If you're unfamiliar with the One Little Word concept, it is an Ali Edwards concept to select a word to guide you through the year which sums up the direction you wish to take - in whatever way that means for you. You can read all about it on her blog - just use One Little Word as a search criteria. She originally started it in 2007 (I think) and I played right along with her from the very beginning. Some years - such as 2007 / positive and 2009 / calm - have been more successful than others but there has been a word and a layout (um, no actually no layout last year. I should make one retrospectively) to remind me what it is I wish to achieve in those 12 months.

I'm not even sure I have "published" them every year here on the blog but it's something I follow, even if it's just in my head.

I started thinking about my word about three months ago and knew exactly the type of things I wanted to work on - being less clumsy, more deliberate, moving and being more purposefully, acting more calmly, being more tolerant. It took a long time coming and R helped me a lot along the way, brainstorming different words until we came on one we both agreed was "the one" - and remember, he's doing that in a foreign language! I almost think the German word - "Gelassenheit" - is even more perfect sounding that the English but it makes more sense to record it in my own language!

The idea behind using this paper was actually both Sylvia's (Scrapabilly herself!) and my crop evening bestie, Charly. With all the months listed for this year, they thought it was an ideal way of showing it was a year long work in progress. When I decided how I wanted to decorate those months - using stitching - I was sold.

The rest of the layout is quite simple.

I didn't have many good photos of me to use when I look calm and in control but this one came pretty close even if the quality isn't so good. The pose looks relaxed and I know that I really was feeling good that evening so it works for me.

I have to remember to focus on getting some better photos this year for my pages - I'm certainly running a bit short at the moment.

And just for interest, my words have been:

  • 2015 - align
  • 2014 - smile
  • 2013 - renew
  • 2012 - choose
  • 2011 - release
  • 2010 - ahead
  • 2009 - calm
  • 2008 - consolidate
  • 2007 - positive

Do you have a One Little Word? And how successful are you? Any tips?

I've got posts coming up with my Simple Scrapper makes later this week and there are some changes going on being the scenes at Scrapabilly which I'm excited to share. Which all means, there's going to be more to see over here on my blog so keep coming back, won't you? :-)

1 comment:

  1. That's a lovely shot of you and a lovely page you have composed. Good luck with your OLW.


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