
Sunday, 24 April 2016

Counterfeit Kit Challenge April Member blog hop

Welcome to April's Counterfeit Kit Challenge member blog hop!

I'm kicking off the hop today and when you're finished here you need to head over to Elaine! So make her feel welcome and then continue hopping through to see everyone. We are thrilled that we have such a lovely mix this month with some new members joining in as well as some seasoned followers! You know that we love it when you share your Counterfeit creations.

This month, the challenges on offer were:
But of course, as usual, anything made with our Counterfeit kits, not yet shared, were up for grabs on the hop.

I'm sharing a layout I've made for the Simple Scrapper Creative Team this month using my April CKC kit, Bisou and one of the Simple Scrapper member story starters for May 2016 which is all about life in the 80s - yes, exactly my kind of story prompt!  I've teamed it up with a Simple Scrapper sketch from February 2014.

And while it's not exactly what you might consider a shabby chic layout, there's lots of layers, muted colours, dusky roses and an older feel to it so let's just say that I fit that challenge too!

I see lots of journalling on strips at the moment and I really like the look of it. I used to do it a lot and thought that this fuller story might be the ideal chance to retry it. Yes, I still like it!

To find out more about the many resources and inspiration - including the sketches and story starters I use each month - available at Simple Scrapper to encourage you to create beautiful pages and tell meaningful stories in a supportive, communicative community environment, check out the Simple Scrapper premium membership here.

Thanks for dropping by today. Make sure you let me know you were here and here's the full list in case you get lost. Now, on you go to say hello to Elaine!


  1. Love all that makes me yearn for those days.

  2. I like the word strips a lot - they create an embellishment in themselves!

  3. Well, just look at you back then. Fab shabby-chic page!

  4. Great layout Lisa and definitely Shabby chic.Love that wooden frame,the rose plus all the journaling strips you used

  5. Beautiful layers and that red floral coordinates quite nicely with the wall covering in your photo. I like the journaling strips too - it's a nice change from just writing on the paper. (And it's a great way to cover up mistakes, as I discovered recently.)
    We have a big stack of albums as well. We no longer have anything to play them on though but maybe we need to do something about that. There's something nostalgic about the sound of an album played on a record player that you just don't get from a CD.

  6. This is so cool! I love what you did with the frame too on the layout and I love the theme :) What wasn't there to love about the 80s :) Oh maybe the big hair! Such a cute picture of you too :) Fantastic and congrats for making the team over at Simple Scrapper

  7. I have all of my dear Aunie's classical collection & love hearing it on a turntable. Lovin' your layers!

  8. Looks great! And the journaling strips worked perfectly!

  9. Anonymous3:24 pm

    Great page, but it's left me rather sad. My ex kept all my vinyl when we split. Although I don't have anything to play them on it would be nice to still own a copy of Ziggy Stardust.............


I love comments! Thanks for taking the time. <3 <3 <3