
Saturday, 10 September 2016

September at Scrapabilly #3

Back again with my final shares so let me remind you of the gorgeous Scrapabilly September Kit des Monats which includes elements from the Amy Tangerine Better Together collection. Packed full of beautiful shades of blue, aqua and green with a little rainbow thrown in for good measure.

My last layout to share today is a celebration of a new baby in the family. I wanted to keep this simple and use up some of the last scraps of paper from my kit so I used my Cameo to create a heart border which I then backed with various papers, picking out the blues and aquas to keep this layout a traditional boy colour scheme.

I kept the layout really clean and simple with lots of white space so that the photos could shine. He's so beautiful, he needs to be the main focus after all!

I also cut out the main title using my Cameo and it added a little dimension to this simple design.

I had a few scraps left and lots of die cuts (there's so many in the pack, it's hard to use them all up!) so I put together a few very simple cards.

I couldn't imagine using coffee cups and donuts on a layout so a card seemed a perfect solution. Not that I go out for coffee and donuts very often but you never know!

This die cut phrase was so lovely but again, I couldn't see me using it on a layout but it stands proud on this card.

After making these cards, I think I had about 3 square inches of the beautiful patterned paper left so I call that a great use of a lovely kit!

Check out the kit here on the Scrapabilly site to secure your own and don't forget to check out the Design Team gallery here while you're there. You can also find the Schnick Schnack Sack (embellishments) and the Pretty Planner Pack kits and galleries there too.

1 comment:

  1. Every time I think I really don't need a Cameo, I see a layout like your first page and my resolve just disappears! What a beautiful page and congratulations on the latest addition to the family. Great idea to make cards out of the leftover die-cuts too - definitely something I'll be trying.
    And, not trying to place any blame, but my mail carrier just delivered a little blue & green paper order from Tangerine owes you a little commission! :)


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