
Friday, 21 October 2016

September at Simple Scrapper #2

Another late share but the last from September before I post my Simple Scrapper and Scrapabilly makes for October.

September's Story Starter©️ collection with the theme of Simple gave me the chance to talk about our progress on decluttering our life.  I matched this with a sketch from May 2013 (#124) which has lots of layers and space for journalling as well as plenty of white space.

My Counterfeit Kit Challenge August kit, Alpine, was perfect for this because of the many neutrals that were in the kit and which I was able to select to match my theme.

It's not easy to see in these photos but instead of the paint swashes featured on the original sketch, I misted through a stencil before building my layers on top. It's a subtle effect but adds interest and texture to the overall layout.

To find out more about the many resources and inspiration - including the sketches and story starters I use each month - available to inspire you to create beautiful pages and tell meaningful stories in a supportive, communicative community environment, check out the Simple Scrapper premium membership here.


  1. That's a lovely page. It feels decluttered itself, but without being too sparse. Wonderfully scrapped.

  2. I love all the white space on your page (fits right in with your theme) and the pretty neutrals you used really let the eye go right to the photos too. (And I'd be happy to take any tips you have on decluttering - it's a losing battle around here!)


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