
Thursday, 16 January 2020

Jingle Belles Rock! - No time like the presents

I'm not sure how many I'll manage this year after last year's failure but I want to try to play along again with the fabulous girls over at Jingle Belles this year. I created a few cards in the last 12 months but only managed to get a small handful out of the door so I'm determined to try better this time around.

And Lauren and Stephanie are just the most inspirational Christmas card makers so I know that I'm in very good hands!

Their first challenge of 20120 was "No time like the presents" which is all about recycling wrapping paper, cards or tags from last Christmas onto new cards.

It just so happens that I sorted out my Christmas supply drawers and found three greetings cards from 2018 or even 2017 and decided to just go for it in a very simple way. I ended up creating four cards in total as I also cut out the image from the back of one of the cards! I can't really take any of the credit for these because the original cards were so gorgeous that I knew I just had to use the fronts and voila!



I really just cut off the front of the cards, matted them with cardstock, glitter or paper and then loaded them up onto a blank base. Done. And off to a good start.

Wish me luck on my Jingle Belles adventures for this year. I'll let you know how I'm doing!

1 comment:

  1. I admire your energy in thinking so far ahead! These all look great ...


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