
Sunday, 18 February 2007

Failing at the blogging but managing the photos!

So, I am totally rubbish at blogging every week! But I have been thinking about it a lot! And I have been really successful at the photos every day. With no further ado, here are some more of my "masterpieces" (HA HA!!! - not really)

Saturday 13th January

Just because we were at the Gehler's for dinner and I caught this adorable snap of Lucy in Ralph's arms. Really, just because...
Sunday 14th January

Sunday - what a beautiful day to be out and walking about. We had our usual late breakfast in town and then I persuaded Ralph to take a "stroll" around town - talk about REAL Germans! The only thing that was different for us was that we were not wearing our Sunday best. But the sky was blue and our town looked so lovely. This is the church (St. Peter's Provest church) in the center of town and of course - a tree. Are you getting the idea yet that I love trees and sky!
Monday 15th January

Further to my previous post regarding my change in routine for a Monday morning, I am trying to focus on the unexpected sites around Essen that might otherwise go unseen. I love this statue. There is another one located at the Bergbau Museum (Mining Museum) in Bochum and I am not sure which is the original - need to check that out... Anyway, it shows the seam of a mine where men are working with their hands and rudimentary tools. Wolfgang has told me stories of these seams which were exactly the same as the statue. I have focused on the face of one of the miners - he looks so hard-working. Life must have been pretty tough back then.

Tuesday 16th January

Scenes of my everyday life. I liked the light and dark contrast in this photo and the focus of the trains (main station) and time all being reflected in this daily routine of mine.
Wednesday 17th January

On my way to DaimlerChrysler in Düsseldorf, I often notice scenes of nature tucked amongst the traffic, factory, office buildings or houses. On this day, I not only noticed the tree (yet again!) but also the fact that the birds are building. Is this normal? Seems a bit early to me but the weather has been so weird lately, I am prone to think that the birds are all confused and just think that it is spring already. If you look closely, you can see the magpie sitting in the tree, resting for a moment after working hard on his nest.
Thursday 18th January

Thursdays are always difficult for me to find interesting things to capture. I am on the road for most of the day, and do not get back home until late - long after it is dark which is not idea either. But this day, I looked around and saw this... Light and shadow... another theme of mine

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