
Monday, 19 February 2007

More photos of the day - Friday 19th to Tuesday 23rd January

So here we are again!

And here are a few more photos to share with me! (Because, let's face it, no one else is reading this are you???)

Friday 19th January

Because we play cards very often on a Friday evening. It is fun, and loud, and colourful, and usually full of sweets and chocolates! What more could one want?
Saturday 20th January

I dragged Ralph to Kempen where I have discovered quite a cool scrapbooking shop and he very generously bought me everything I wanted and more. It was a lovely day even though it was rainy and dull. An afternoon together, just being together and nothing more - nice. And then I saw the daffodils. A real sign of this early spring.
Sunday 21st January

Rain on the window pane. 'nuff said! I love the fact that the clouds are very faintly reflected in the drops and the contrast to the blue sky is great.

Monday 22nd January

Continuing my theme of my everyday life. Trains - my life is dictated by them. But they are mostly reliable, clean and comfortable. And I get to listen to my iPod and dream a bit - better than a car!

Tuesday 23rd January

Yet further signs of spring in the city. I just love these type of shots. Leaves, berries, buds, flowers... Doing this every day has made me realise that, far too often, I wander through the streets without noticing these things. Nature is really a wonderful thing and resilient to the core. In the middle of the city, there is so much beauty.

1 comment:

  1. every single one of your photos are great lise, i love the rain drops one especially!! :) xxx


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