
Thursday 22 February 2007

Ongoing and trying to catch up!

I have all the best intentions, but it just does not seem to happen every day. But better late than never, here are a few more of January's photos...

Wednesday January 24th

Don't you just love paper? And the wonderful colours? Of course, one day just needed to be my cardstock pile!

Thursday 25th January

Waiting for Baby! Just waiting for the news of the safe arrival of the newest member of the Chance household in order to post my welcome gifts. Pink - don't you just love pink?

Friday 26th January

Spent the day in Düsseldorf (having my hair done!) and then it started snowing. Getting home was CHAOS but luckily we had Sir Ralph to our rescue and he drove us home safe and sound. I was aware that I wanted to capture the first settled snow of the year (and in effect our first winter weather of the season) but it was so hectic that I did not have a chance. We went out to dinner and when we came back, I took the plunge and risked a night shot of the remaining snow. I love that "snow light" that you get.

Saturday 27th January

Of course, by morning, the snow had completely disappeared and a wonderful "spring" day greeted us - here is the view from our kitchen window. The roofs of Recklinghausen and a different view from usual.

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