
Friday 20 April 2007

And now for surprise number 2 on a Friday afternoon!

Not only have I completed my Christmas journey but I have also completed a mini-book as part of a new Shimelle class "When I Grow Up".

The class started with a few prompts and thoughts about what we wanted to be when we were younger, or what do we still want to be. What did we think we would be? What did others think we would be. I rang mum up and asked her what I had wanted to be all those years ago and she said that she had no recollection of me wanting to be anything! This became the theme of my thoughts...

Then Shimelle suggested that we made a children's style book out of this thought process written in a simple form. She even suggested we made little paper dolls for our pages with our photo as the head - but this was a little bit too creative for me and it would have taken me SO long to do that, so I just cheated and found photos where I could relatively easily cut out the whole figure. This was so much fun for me as I have never done anything like it before. I used a little Maya Road mini-album that came in my Modern Scrapbooking February kit and delved into my most precious BasicGrey stash (the new Perhaps collection.) Once I had the writing done, it really came together much quicker than I would have thought even though I seem to spend so long just looking at the product and wondering how to put it all together! I kept the embellishments to a minimum because the book had come in its own chipboard box, but even so, it ended up too thick to fit. But that is OK because now I have a box that I can use for something else in the future and my mini-book will be out in the open.

I am as pleased as punch that I got this done as I am the eternal procrastinator! And I am just tickled pink with the result!

1 comment:

  1. This is so, so beautiful.

    It made me shed a tear at the end it was just so joyful

    J XXXX


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