
Friday, 20 April 2007

Positively scary...

... how time flies. Already two weeks since I last updated the blog? Where does the time go? And what have I done with it?

Well, suffice to say, we have been busy bunnies and what with four family birthdays, Easter and loads of work, things have not exactly been as quiet as they could be. But I have been extra busy - not with work though!

I got it into my head that I simply HAD to complete the Christmas journal album from Shimelle's class 2006-7. Of course, I had made it really difficult for myself by deciding that I would do the entries as full 12x12 entries rather than some sort of a mini album or an art journal and although it was loads of work (37 entries in total) I loved doing it because I tried out all sorts of different styles and papers and products! So, no two pages are the same and the colours are all mixed up but I think it is really nice for a change. I have to admit that quite a lot of the pages are styled directly after Shimelle's but I definitely think that i have learned some of what I like and what i do not like. For example, I am not so keen when the page takes a gazillion different products and takes hours to make - I sort of lose interest. And I still have to master the whole stamping thing - I started doing a bit but then it all seemed a bit of a faff!

I will load a few of my favourite pages here or the whole album will be available on the right. Just click to load the album and then chose slide show to get them full screen and clear.

First off, here is the pile of finished pages - cool or what? I get pleasure from just looking at them and thinking to myself, "I did that."

And now for a few favourite pages:

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