
Tuesday 30 June 2009

Calm amongst the chaos

We are moving. So of course, I am currently caught up with everything that that entails. Visits to the DIY store, painting, cleaning, organising, sorting, packing. And I am sat here in my little scrap "shop" and thinking, "No!"

Where do I start in packing away all these supplies and I might want to do some scrapping to relieve the chaos over the next three weeks so what do I pack and what do I leave out? Ideas anyone?

But I am surprisingly unruffled. I am taking it one box at a time and trying not to worry. The "one little word" of the year seems to be working. Deep breath, hold the breath, let it out slowly, concentrate on the feeling, calm...

And fitting in a little scrapping along the way also seems to be helping - hence the what to pack now, what to pack at the last minute dilemma.

I broke open the Bellaboo June kit - full of lovely colours and textures and fun - and worked with such a lovely picture of Isabella. I only took a handful of photos when I was there last which was disappointing and so I am trying to work through them a little, even if this means that I do not cover the three children evenly. More of one child than the others for example. But that's ok right? I do not consciously try to make sure I do X number of layouts about each one, I just take inspiration where I find it. So Cam, your time will come later in the year!

It's hot and sticky which makes me grumpy. But sitting here quietly, playing with papers is very therapeutic. Anyway, must go, packing boxes are calling!


  1. Love what you've done with the yummy papers. I've opened mine - and put it all away again! Oh, have used some of the buttons on something else.

    What to pack? What to leave out? No, idea... Think you need "capsule stash" - like a capsule wardrobe. I've heard of them, but never actually seen one! That was no help, was it?

  2. Anonymous2:20 pm

    just pack all your stuff!!! you will be very busy I'm sure you can live without some things for a week or two! Love your LO of Bella, really cute :)


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