
Wednesday 24 June 2009

Sunny summer days

The sun is shining although I can only see it through the windows! I have been sorting some of our *stuff* and packing moving boxes. I have a LONG way to go, but feel good that I have made a start and can see some empty shelves and plenty of things to throw away, sell or to donate.

Although I really find the moving process hard work, it is a great opportunity to clear out and get rid of all those bits and pieces that you have been keeping - just in case...

We have plenty of *junk* drawers round here and I have been finding all sorts of stuff that make me think either, "Wow, I wondered where that had got to!" or "WHY have we kept this?" I have just been to throw out the rubbish so that the evidence of what has made it to the round file is not around. These *treasures* will never be missed!

So, good and bad. Yes Jac, trundling along... (LOL!)

But I have also found the time and the motivation to do a little scrapping which is never a bad thing. Inspired by this post by Lain, I wrote down a few lines about our imminent move out of my little bit of German heaven here in the old town of Recklinghausen to a new home. I am not at all sure of the design (sometimes I try too hard!) but the sentiments I have captured are good. This is a topic I have not finished with yet as I am leaving here with real mixed emotions! Trepidation and excitement at the same time.

And wanting to do something a bit girlie, I then moved onto a page about sweet Isabella rolling down the hill at the Botanical Gardens. It is so funny that this is an automatic reaction of all children when seeing a grassy bank - roll, roll, roll - losing control but loving it! We have all done it over the years. It was a lovely moment to share with her, taking me back to my childhood but I didn't quite gather up the energy to join in. A reaction I get when seeing an area of flat grass is to do cartwheels and handstands. Don't dare to do the former any more with my old creaking bones but can sometimes be persuaded to try out the latter - and I am really bad! Again, trying to hard with the design, but it's bright and pretty and I am happy enough with it.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:19 pm

    love all these layouts, you've been busy!


I love comments! Thanks for taking the time. <3 <3 <3