
Tuesday 2 February 2010

Sense of achievement

So, I finally got around to finishing yet another 2007 project.

I don't really know what I was doing then but I seem to have a whole pile of half-done albums, mini-books and projects from '07. The phrase "biting off more than I can chew" springs to mind.

I signed up for an online year in reveiw class that year and it came with a kit and instructions and everything from the very talented Nichol Magouirk. I adored the project and it kicked off with a fun extra - this photo frame that you might remember from way back when.

I even got around to fixing up the album cover, and then months later, I started the pages.

Then, nothing, nichts, nada, zilch. It was all put in a bag and put on the shelf. Into the scrapbook waiting room of my mind. I thought about it every now and again, feeling guilty. After all, it had cost me money and effort because the kit had been stopped by the customs check and R had to call them up and persuade them that the package was full of "bits of paper" and worth nothing much! All that, and then it was neglected.

And I love the idea of these year in review albums. I have a great one for 2006 and had intended to do one for every year (yeah, best intentions!)

But in the spirit of "ahead" and my good intentions for using up my well-earned supplies, I have finally got around to finishing it. And I adore it! 

I have realised that I am not really very good at those projects where everythng is perfectly measured and aligned and I ended up with little gaps and spaces all over the place that I needed to trim or cover or camouflage! But it is such a sweet little book. I added a couple of extra pages in to fill all the pages and the back has some space for a few pieces of memorabilia, when I track it all down. (yes, need to get ahead of that too)

Here are a few of the pages, and I have added a little album on the side with the whole album.  

It was so good to have a trip down memory lane and remember all those fun bits of 2007. Like how much thinner I was then, how I like my fringe (!), how tiny Isabella was way back when, how much we travelled, how much we saw and what brilliant celebrations we had. It was a brilliant year and I bet I would never remember all those good times if I hadn't done this. 

Have you got any unfinished projects lying around? Go on, fish them out and get them finished. Take it from me, it feels GOOD! 


  1. Wow, you really are getting on with your projects, aren't you?

    I'm working on an album using my December blog posts - and, yes, I like remembering. Just need to bring that into the rest of my scrapbooking - the recording of events and happenings, and thoughts...

  2. Anonymous11:11 pm

    well done! that project could easily have been left for evermore! love the LOs too, lovely idea.

  3. i love the colors on your album and in your first layout!


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