
Thursday 4 February 2010

Congrats to me on my 200th blog post!

Not only is this my 200th (hard to believe but true) post since I started this blog back in 2006 (such a long time ago), but it is also already my 11th post of the new year (that is nearly 3 per week - go me!).

One of my objectives for 2010 was to blog more often and so far, I am managing it. Some posts are definitely more interesting that others - ;-) - but that is what life is about isn't it?

So, here I am, sitting between lessons in the coffee area of BP and just mulling over the important things of life, which today, is mostly scrapbooking!

I always sit at the same table, looking out at the gorgeous rhino sculpture which I find fascinating. I guess it's supposed to represent the strength of the company but I always think it is so incongruous - just sitting there in the inner courtyard! And he is really massive - much bigger than real life. But at the same time, totally lifelike!

So back to blogging at my desk in my pink room...

As you know, being the goal-focused over-achiever that I am, I like a good challenge. Especially when it comes to scrapping. So at the last minute, I signed up for LOAD (a Layout A Day), hosted by Lain Ehmann.  

A layout created, photographed and posted for each and every day of the month? Crazy? Yes. Possible? Maybe. Fun? Definitely.

February 1st - LOAD

This is a layout from the class by Nichol Magouirk I mentioned in the last blog post, which used up fun leftovers.
 I love the fact that I fitted 15 photos onto it - such a great design by Nichol.

If you cast your minds back to the beginning of time (or at least to January 2008) you might remember that I did this once before. And yes, I really managed a layout each and everyday of that January. 

So, please raise your glasses and here's to creativity under pressure!

February 2nd - LOAD

And I thought I might put down how I think I am going to complete this impulsive challenge - based on what I did back in 2008, what I learned from that, and how I scrap in general.

My strategy for managing this challenge:

  1. Perfection is over-rated: I'm not the first to state this (think it might be a Lainism), but it's so true. When I was doing work for Lib at Bellaboo I would spend a long time on each project. I would check spelling, straighten things up. But the layouts for this month? Simple, quick and often containing a mistake or ten! Over inked? Not quite straight? Colours not perfectly matched? Glue showing? Embellies not optimally places? No problem, move on!
  2. Preparation: I don't mean that I have 28 page kits ready to go. But each day I think about what I might scrap. What picture I might use. What I have to say that day. And I have a pile of photos - good, bad and a lot in between - on my table. The last three days, I just rummaged and chose.
  3. Glue & Go: I learned this on my Heidi Swapp class in 2007. Yes, I move things around a bit before I decide on position, but I'm talking 2 or 3 minutes, not all evening. Then, it's Glue & Go. And live with the result. And love the result!
  4. Handwritten journalling: I avoid the printed & hand-write almost all my journalling. No, I don't particularly like my handwriting. But it's mine and there's not a lot to be done. Hand-writing is quick, easy and I don't need 16 attempts at getting it just so. If the hand-writing goes a bit skew-whiff, I accept it. It's typical Lisa to have a few mistakes in there after all.
  5. Sketches: Libby bought me Page Maps for Christmas and I love it. I use it all the time. I love dipping in and picking our one to use as is, or to adapt. In fact, I think I've used the same one (pg. 52) several times so far and they all look different.
  6. Clear space: I tidy up my scrapping space after each project. Completely. And for those of you who know me, you'll appreciate this is difficult and unnatural for me. I'm so untidy by nature! but I put every scrap, pen, glue stick, ruler or ink-pad etc back where they belong - even if I take it back out again after 2 minutes. Clear space = clear mind. Now, if I could only apply that to the rest of my life...
  7. Variety is the spice of life: I mix it up. One day, it might be more complicated, the next a bit simpler. Layered and distressed one day, clear lines a la Zielske the next.
  8. Use that stash: I see this as an opportunity to use up papers and products that have been lying around a long time but that I still love. Some of it, (like layout 2nd Feb) is co-ordinated (Libby gave me the papers, epoxy stickers and rub-ons back in early-Bellaboo days), but often I just grab a background cardstock and my mixed paper organiser along with my box of scrap and fish around until I have 3 or 4 papers I like. This is not the time to be precious. However, I have to admit that I find it difficult to break into one of my favourite, complete lines of BG (of which I have MANY!) that I have been saving. Perhaps I should challenge myself to do exactly that!
  9. Quick techniques: I try to return techniques such as border punches, inking the edges or distressing which give good results with minimum effort and time. Although I did a bit of stamping yesterday (layout 3rd Feb), you won't see a lot of that - it's too hit and miss, and very time-consuming for me. Not to mention the fact that the ink ends up in places it really doesn't belong... several ruined tops later...
  10. Have FUN: I remind myself that this is supposed to be FUN! No pressure. If I decide on the 15th that I'm not having fun, I'll simply stop. I can't imagine that happening, but this is a hobby and nothing to be taken too seriously. I make sure I'm enjoying the process. I might experiment. Maybe not. But I'll be telling stories, using up product, preserving memories, remembering happy times. And that IS fun!
So there you go, my strategy for 28 layouts in 28 days. I'm looking forward to the rest of the month and to the pile of finished layouts on 1st March.

February 3rd - LOAD

February 4th - LOAD

Do you have any other tips to offer?

So, in conclusion: Happy 200th blog post to me.

Here's to the next 200!


  1. Very cool post! I think the preparation and clean space would really make a difference. I would love to do a project that would force me to scrap more. Baby steps in that direction... a la 12-of-12.

    I've taken a couple Big Picture Scrapbooking classes that were really good- Design Your Life w/Cathy Zielske and Yesterday Today w/Ali Edwards. I got a lot of pages done with these and learned so much that I apply to every new layout. Anyway, I highly recommend those classes.

    Thanks so much for sharing! I'm still following along on flickr.

  2. WOW!!!Congatulations on your 200th blog posts. I've just started a blog so I hope I can get to 200.Here's to you next 200 posts.

    Deb x

  3. Hey Lisa, just found you from Melissa's blog. I am loving your blog, great tips about scrapbooking a page a day. I think I have to work on the tidy up after you have finished one, not my strongest point!!
    Also huge congratulations on your 200th post, way to go. I have not reached that yet and seems like I have been blogging for ever!!

  4. 200! I'll certainly raise a glass to that! A layout a day? you mad woman... Love the picture of the rhino, wonderfully random...

  5. happy 200! Love what you've done for LOAD so far. :)

  6. Anonymous1:24 pm

    wow well impressed with your strategy, think i might adopt it too. well done on 200 posts and lovely LOs too.

  7. Hi Lisa, I popped over from LOAD to see your post. Great ideas! Some I was already doing, some I think I'll add. Now, if only I can find a way to get my desk cleaner ;)


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