
Monday, 10 January 2011

2010 in Review (pt 1)

So, I promised a bit of a review of the last year - a few top threes or even top tens, some highs and some faves. There might be some duplication of photos or layouts (featured over the last year during regular posts, as well as in my three part, multi-layout post) as last year was really a productive scrapbooking year for me but I hope you will bear with me and enjoy the look back in time.

I thought I might start off by doing one of those questionnaires. You know the one where it asks what you thought of the previous year.

I have done this one a couple of times now (here and here and here) and decided that it is just too long. So I've cut it down to just 18 questions this year:

1.     What are your New Year’s Resolutions?
I guess the usual. I want to be more organised, de-clutter, be creative every day, learn to use my camera more fully, continue taking a photo a day, lose some weight, sleep more, get on top of the ironing pile (as in do the ironing and not just climb on top of it!), try to remember birthdays and be a better friend. My one little word will be covered in another blog post.

2.     Did anyone close to you give birth in 2010?
No, but my brother-in-law did become a Daddy though for the first time, through adoption which is wonderful for the whole family.

3.     Did anyone close to you die?
A very elderly member of our extended family passed away in February, which was very sad. We are very blessed to have all our parents and three grandparents around and in good health.

4.     What countries did you visit?
The UK, Birmingham & London – it was a quiet travel year.

5.     What was your biggest achievement of the year?
I completed three months of LOAD (layout a day) and I have a wonderful pile of layouts to prove it.
One of my photos was chosen as a highlighted entry by The Pioneer Woman in one of her photo challenges.

6.     What was the best thing someone bought you?
I was whisked away to the tower suite of our favourite local hotel here in Recklinghausen to be treated to 24 hours of pure romance and relaxation. Rose petals were scattered all over the rooms and two large bouquets and a bottle of champagne were waiting. Who could ask for more?

Ah, I knew there was something else actually. Completely out of the blue, this arrived in December as a present for our wedding anniversary from Liberty! I absolutely adore it and it is totally perfect - on every level. For those of you who can't see the detail, each of the hearts features somewhere important to us - Recklinghausen, Nova Scotia, Paris and Birmingham. I am not exaggerating when I say that we both love it to pieces.  

7.     Whose behaviour merited celebration?
Madeleine – she is just delightful and is such an adorable little girl. She was scouted to join a competitive gymnastics team back in the autumn and is apparently a natural – good to know all that energy has found an outlet!

8.      What song(s) reminds you of 2010?
Anything from Glee – I discovered the Glee love for myself this year – loved every song and every episode I got my hands on! A fave? Has to be “Don’t Stop Believin’”.

9.      How did you spend Christmas?
On Christmas Eve (the main day here in German), we spent a quiet evening together – just the two of us and enjoyed fondue, good wine and meaningful conversation. This was a first for us! (Celebrating Christmas Eve together, not the meaningful conversation!)
Christmas Day was an English Christmas dinner for my German family, which has become a firm tradition and was very successful. We had a totally white Christmas which is unusual for us (last one being in the 80’s) and as we didn’t have to go anywhere at all, it was incredibly beautiful and we loved it.
New Year’s Eve was fondue, raclette, too many bubbles and a (for us) losing game of Trivial Pursuit with the family. It was a really great holiday time.

10   What was your favourite TV program?
I tracked down Glee online and watched the whole first series in a matter of days – LOVED it! Can’t imagine it will ever come to Germany so internet will have to do.

11   What was the best book you read?
The Help by Kathryn Stockett
This book totally gripped me – I was really surprised at how “in the story” I was. Great read. I’ve just seen online that it’s going to be a film – should be great!

12   What did you do on your birthday?
I had a quiet birthday. Mum was over to visit which was lovely and we wandered around the Recklinghausen Christmas Market, made cookies and shared a few glasses. A different birthday this year, but lovely all the same.

  What was your best musical discovery?
I have really listened to very little new music this year. I suppose I have just been listening to music I like and realising that there are some singers out there that really appeal to me – Adele or Alicia Keys for example. I adore the new Take That stuff and the Robbie/Gary duet was a real winner for me.
I kept listening to my playlist 2010 for the whole year though and only got a bit tired with some of the tracks in the last few weeks – watch this space for a new 2011 playlist!
I guess the musical highlight for me was the discovery of Glee. I had heard so much about it and caught an episode or two while I was in the UK. Then I caught up with it on the internet and was instantly hooked! I love the music and rushed to order all the CD’s from Amazon. It was my go-to music over much of the summer.

14   What was your favourite film of the year?
Twilight – Eclipse. This was one of only three movies I saw at the cinema last year but hands down, Jacob still does it for me every time.

15   What kept you sane?
Reading other people's blogs
Chocolate and champagne
Enjoying cocktails out on our new balcony
(same as last year in fact)
I also worked on keeping perspective. When times are hard, things could always be worse.

16   Who was the best new person you met? 
I reconnected with a much loved school friend, which was great after nearly 9 years since we had last seen each other.
I also made a whole host of internet/class/blog/LOAD friends through my scrapbooking – it’s such a great community and it’s lovely to see familiar faces when enter the virtual classroom or gallery. We are all great fans of each other’s work and they are so supportive, it’s wonderful.

17   Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned.
Together, we are strong enough.

18   Quote a song line that defines your year.
“Don’t stop believin’
Hold onto that feelin’"
I am well and truly Gleek’d! ‘Nuff said!

Tomorrow will be part two of my multi-layout post and then on Wednesday, I'll put together some more reminiscing...

Care to share?

1 comment:

  1. Love reading your round ups and your "welcoming 2011 with a positive attitude", the frame off Liberty is so sweet and thoughtful, And I think your resolutions are mine too x


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