So, I hope she doesn't mind me jumping on her inspiration and I know I'm late this month but I wanted to get it up within January so that I can join in on time for the rest of the year (that's the plan anyway!).
My word which just sort of came to me and I promptly ordered a charm to remind myself of it every day
These shoes which I spotted in the Marina Bay Shopping Mall, Singapore when I was there in December. Every time I look at this photo, I fall in love all over again. *sigh*
Where I'm spending way too much time but can't seem to stop {follow me over there here}
My iPhone - loving it more and more. I hardly use it as a phone, but I can't imagine life without it :-)
These cosy pjs. comfy, soft, warm, pretty. who could ask for more?
Trying to eat more healthy food to get rid of a few kilos
These words. so true. so me. so us. {Pinterest find here}
Need to go out and get this. sounds like exactly my kind of product.
My room. it's not finished but it's mine and I'm loving creating in here
This place. I love it. Thanks Pam. Join us {here}. We'd love to see you there.
A recent find from Ikea. Not sure how I'm going to use them yet but I know
I'll find a way to have them in my room.
We had a lot of snow this month which I loved. If I had made this list on the 13th, the snow would still have been outside my window - hoping for more before the end of winter.
The best way to keep up with another year of daily photos and catch up with both my adorable sisters and live a vicarious single life in glamourous NYC through Pam!
Thanks Pam for a wonderful idea. I really enjoyed putting this month's list together.